From the page to the podium: the art of speechwriting

Terry Szuplatin workshop Vanajanlinnassa 10.11.2021

Tämä ainutlaatuinen workshop tarjoaa osallistujille mahdollisuuden oppia Valkoisen talon puheenkirjoittajien tekniikat ja taktiikat ja siten laatia jatkossa puheita, jotka koskettavat ja muuttavat maailmaa ympärillämme.

Barack Obaman ulko- ja turvallisuuspoliittisten puheiden kirjoittaja Terry Szuplat avaa osallistujille vaikuttavan puheen luomisen salat esimerkkien, aktiivisten keskustelujen ja harjoitusten avulla. Szuplatin workshopin jälkeen laatimasi puheen nousevat uudelle tasolle ja voit hyödyntää oppimaasi aina, kun eteesi tulee uusia puhetehtäviä. Workshopin kieli on englanti.

Speechwriting is more than just writing a speech. It’s the entire process from your first anxious look at a blank page to the last words the speaker delivers at the podium. Speechwriting is what happens in between those two moments – the learning, thinking, researching, interviewing, translating, collaborating, storytelling, persuading, refereeing, editing and rewriting that turns words on paper into speeches that soar.

Terence Szuplat was one of President Barack Obama’s longest serving speechwriters, from 2009 to 2017. Over more than 20 years, he has also written for the U.S. Secretary of Defense and leaders in Congress, business, civil society and entertainment. He loves speechwriting—and loves sharing the insights he’s gained along the way with students and communications professionals.

In this day-long, interactive workshop, Terry will guide participants through the actual process of writing a speech for a real-world scenario—from the page to the podium. We will discuss what speeches are—and what they are not. We will explore the importance of scene and audience, review the techniques and principles that make speeches successful—and how to replicate them—and common speechwriting mistakes—and how to avoid them.

Speech assignments always come with deadlines, and those deadlines are often short. In this workshop you’ll get the chance to pause, reset your writing habits, and return to your keyboard with new energy for shaping and sharing messages that move people.


Terry Szuplatin workshop järjestetään Vanajanlinnassa 10. ja 11.11.2021. Workshop 11.11. on loppuunmyyty, mutta 10.11. workshopissa on vielä tilaa.